Photo by Michael Rock (9/17/2021)---Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird at Salvia guaranitica
“Hummingbird: With brave wings she flies.”
“I always loved those little creatures [hummingbirds], always feel blessed when they appear nearby. There’s a magical quality to them. I finally put one in a song.”- Leonard Cohen
Dear Friends,
Once again, it has been a long time since we have been in touch. However, we are thinking of you and hoping that you and your family are staying well and safe and that you are enjoying the hummingbirds, butterflies, and other summer creatures of beauty and wonder.
It is such an exciting time of the year with the great fall migration of hummingbirds coming in September and we hope that you’ll stop in and share it with us a bit later this season!
If you need information about hummingbird feeders, please e-mail Kathi at Just a reminder, no matter what feeder you decide to use, it must be scrubbed and cleaned, and the nectar changed every few days or when the nectar is visibly cloudy, especially when weather is hot and humid. Fermented or spoiled nectar could sicken or kill a hummingbird. Red dyes are unnecessary---use ONLY white table sugar and water in feeders. Ant and bee guards will help keep these insects away from your feeders. Thank you in advance for caring about your hummingbirds and for all the hard work this entails!! This is a very handy guide that will help you with this important task:
We saw
our first hummingbird, an adult male Ruby-throat on May 7, the day before
Mother’s Day. It was very exciting and memorable as Michael was outside
and Kathi was inside, and we both looked at the feeder at the same time and saw
our first hummingbird visitor of 2022!! We are very excited to report
that our hummingbird activity has been extremely strong this season and we’ve
only had one day with no sightings. Interestingly, in mid to late August
activity has slowed down just a bit but we are hoping that it is the “calm
before the storm” of the fall migration. Our peak numbers have always
historically occurred in mid-September (we have detailed records going back
over 20 years!).
brings us to our major topic for this communication, our upcoming Hummingbird
Garden Tours. This year we have decided to again
proceed with the tours with a few modifications. Sadly, the pandemic is
still with us (which we didn’t expect!) We are not exactly certain of where the
pandemic will be in mid-September, but we do feel comfortable about hosting an
informal, drop-in public event on our property. The dates of the tours are
at our home, 5118 Buffalo Trail, Madison, WI 53705. Event will be
held rain or shine (hope for sun!)
will be different from a “normal” year:
year face coverings should be worn at your discretion. If you are at
extremely high risk for Covid-19, please wear a face-covering or plan to join
us next year when the risk will perhaps be lessened.
food or drink will be served. If you wish, you can bring your own water
or beverage bottle. We ask that you do not bring food or drink to share
with others.
cannot allow people to use our restroom facilities or enter our home except in
an extreme emergency and we apologize in advance.
do not bring us food, sugar, or other gifts---while we so much appreciate your
generosity in the past, we ask that you refrain from doing so again this
year. Your presence at our event is your gift to us!
O’Connor and her “crewe” have generously offered to band hummingbirds in our
yard on September 18 for the Sunday tour. We are so very happy to have them
back again!
and Emily Scheunemann will once again be with us
to present their fun and informative class about hummingbirds. The class
will occur at 3 p.m. on both Wednesday and Sunday.
door prize drawings will occur at 5 p.m. on Wednesday and 3 p.m. on
Sunday. You must be present to win a door prize.
thank Wildbirds Unlimited for their wonderful support and helping us to
publicize this annual event.
also wish to acknowledge Janice Selfridge and Jim Stewart for their kind
donation of lovely door prizes that display their incredible photographic
talent. Additionally, we thank Christina Ciano and Jeff Buss for their
generous donation of “A Place In The Garden” DVD’s.
handout pieces will be available only online at our website or by special
request by e-mailing Kathi at
reserve the right to modify these arrangements as needed and required and to
cancel the event if needed.
read the following:
“As a condition of my participation in this event, I, do hereby expressly waive any rights against and release and hold harmless Michael Rock and Kathi Johnson Rock from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, losses, damages, expenses, or liability of whatever kind or nature (collectively “liability”), under any theory of law or equity, that may arise during or as a result of my presence at the premises, including but not limited to any such liability related to or arising out of illness, injury, or death associated with infection of COVID-19 or complications, symptoms, or other. “effects resulting from contracting COVID-19
Will be The Same?
butterflies (sadly, many fewer this year!), dragonflies, and other pollinators,
beautiful flowers, and our pond!
great weather, which we have been very lucky to experience for all our past
tours except for one year. Lets all hope for no rain again this year!
prizes---We will have a short program and small door prize drawing at each tour
(5 p.m. on Wednesday and 3 p.m. on Sunday.)
will be thrilled to see you all once again and experience as we enjoy
hummingbirds together in a safe setting for all of us!
Few Reminders:
bees and wasps are present in a garden with so many nectar producing flowers
and sugar water feeders, especially in September. We ask that you be very
cautious and come prepared if you have a bee or wasp allergy or
sensitivity. Be very careful when walking around our garden that you
don’t brush up against a bee or wasp by accident. If you are allergic or
sensitive to bee or wasp stings, please take precautions.
refrain from touching flowers and hard surfaces throughout the garden if you
can. This will help us to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus.
Hand sanitizer (both scented and fragrance-free) will be provided for those who
wish to use it or you can bring your own!
our front yard is accessible for people with physical disabilities who use a
sensible and comfortable footwear as ground may be uneven or rocky
of anything in our garden is absolutely allowed and encouraged.
children must always be supervised.
have a neighborhood cat who sometimes joins us for the tour, but we ask that
you not bring any pets to the tours! We strongly recommend you keep cats
If you have any questions about the Garden Tours, please e-mail Kathi at You can also visit our website at (and while you’re there, take a peek at the beautiful photos, all taken by Michael, and other valuable information.)
seems that every season is a bit different in terms of what hummingbirds seem
to prefer to feed from in our garden. Tropical Salvias are still one of
our “best” flowers for hummingbirds but we’ve seen Cuphea ‘David Verity’
(sadly, only available by mail order from Select Seeds, Flowers By the Sea, or
Almost Eden Plants) used so much this year---it is like candy for a
hummingbird. We also grow Cuphea ‘Vermillionaire’, but that Cuphea
variety has not been as strong for us this season (which began much earlier and
has been warmer overall!) The flowers of cuphea are certainly the perfect
size and shape for a Ruby-throated hummingbird’s bill, especially those of
Cuphea ‘David Verity’. Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens, the ‘Major
Wheeler’ variety) has always been great for our hummingbirds and is a carefree,
tough perennial plant that always seems to be in bloom---if you don’t have this
plant in your garden, we highly recommend that you get one! (never plant
Japanese Honeysuckle and be warned that Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) is
very aggressive in the landscape and is not in bloom for the fall migration)
The honeysuckle flowers are a single tube with sweet nectar at the end, a
hummingbird’s delight (not that much different than the flowers of
Cuphea!)! In terms of salvias, preferences have also been a little
different. We have numerous Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ in our garden this year and
hummingbirds have loved them. They always seem to be in bloom and can
take any weather condition you throw at them with ease. Salvia coccinea
has also been a winner for us and the hummingbirds. We had many plants
that we overwintered inside of our sunroom and they grow much taller in their
second year, which is helpful for hummingbirds. Lastly, you cannot go
wrong with any variety of Salvia guaranitica and we were so lucky to find many
new varieties at our local garden centers this year and we also placed more
than one order with Flowers By the Sea mail order nursery. It is so much
more satisfying to see hummingbirds use the flowers and flowers (annual or
perennial) are a great way to further extend your enjoyment of
hummingbirds. It is very important to plant flowers and hang feeders
where you can easily see and enjoy them!!
Finding a Ruby-throated hummingbird nest is like winning the lottery and we have hoped and prayed over the years that we might find a nest in our very own west side Madison yard. For the first time in over 20 years, we think this may have happened but sadly we have no photographic evidence to support it. Ruby-throated female hummingbirds are masters of disguise and to find a nest that is the size of a half walnut shell with eggs the size of tic tacs seems almost impossible. Hummingbird nests are built out of a variety of materials including moss, lichen, plant down, feathers, and spider silk. Nests are typically built high up off the ground, between 10 to 40 feet—and even as high as 90 feet—and are located in shrubs and trees. The female bird completes all of the construction of the nest and caring for and feeding the chicks---the male plays no part at all except for the “act” and has nothing to do with the chicks after they are hatched and may even view them as eventual competitors for food. For at least the past 5 years, we have been putting special nesting material out near our hummingbird feeders in hopes that a busy hummer Mom might grab some. Until this year, we had a lot of interest on the part of Goldfinches, but not from hummingbirds. You can purchase this unbleached cotton material in either a ball or enclosed in rack and we have used both. Here is a photo taken by bander Sheri L. Williamson of a hummingbird gathering the unbleached cotton from a ball.
material is available for purchase from Wildbirds Unlimited and
online. Please do not use any other material except for unbleached
cotton. We put our material out this year and for the very first time
observed adult female Ruby-throated hummingbirds taking some on several
occasions---finally!! Master bander Nancy Newfield tells us that
the nest could be as close as 100 yards away. We did observe a female
hummingbird coming to feed and then returning to the same spot very high up in
our birch trees during late May and June, so maybe!
and winter are coming and soon it will sadly be time to say goodbye to our
garden for the year. Unfortunately, so many of the best plants for
hummingbirds cannot survive in our cold and snowy winters in Wisconsin.
It does become very pricey to purchase new plants every spring in anticipation
of the coming hummingbird season, especially since many of those plants can
only be found online and shipping these days is not cheap. We have a
good-sized sunroom with a space heater to minimally heat the room and we are so
lucky to have this space for plant overwintering. The room has skylights
and windows on three sides and the space heater heats it to around 50 degrees,
which is perfect for so many tender plants, especially the Salvia guaranitica
types. The plants often look quite ragged or even go dormant, but most do
come back again once they are outside again in the late spring. Cuphea
also overwinters quite well for us in this room. We feel that the key is
a low temperature that is quite far from freezing (most basements are way too
warm as we’ve found and an unheated garage or shed is too cold) and minimal
watering (overwatering can easily kill an overwintering plant!) There are
a few plants that we’ve found are better treated as annuals and it’s best to
repurchase them every spring, especially the Salvia splendens types and many of
the southwestern salvias and a few other central and South American
salvias. All Cupheas we have in hanging pots are replanted in the ground
in the spring and we get new small plants for the pots (a two inch cuphea plant
can easily fill a 12 inch hanging pot in no time) ---that way we have a
beautiful plant in the ground that is 3-4 feet tall and we are getting two
years out of a tender plant. We also replant most overwintered salvias in
the ground and get new ones for containers, getting two years out of every
plant. If you don’t have a sunroom or a greenhouse, other ways to
preserve tender plants include taking cuttings and collecting seeds---seeds
will not work for every salvia because often the new plants that grows from a
seed will not be like the original plant. With cuttings, you must have a
grow light in a warm place and a commitment to keep the new little plants alive
until spring. Here is an excellent link if you are interested in trying
cuttings to make more plants and to preserve the plants you and the hummers
enjoyed so much during the summer and early fall:
-Rufous Hummingbird seen in Plover, Wisconsin (suburb of Steven’s Point in Central Wisconsin). This vagrant hummingbird from the west arrived on July 24 (relatively early in the season for these birds). Here is a photo (photo by Dan Belter) and you can see how different the Rufous hummingbird looks compared to the Ruby-throat, which is the only commonly seen hummingbird in Wisconsin.
-Rare Hummingbird Last Seen In Colombia
in 2010 Rediscovered!!: “The
Santa Marta Sabrewing, a large hummingbird only found in Colombia’s
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, was last seen in 2010 and scientists
feared the species might be extinct as the tropical forests it inhabited have
largely been cleared for agriculture.”
forget about (located in Madison at the UW Arboretum)
as the fall migration approaches. This informational page from the
Journey North website is extremely informative:
Society: We had hoped to attend the Sedona Hummingbird Festival this
year in late July but we both had Covid and were unfortunately unable to
attend. However, we did watch the presentations online and
they were excellent. Beth Kingsley Hawkins is doing a wonderful job as
the interim executive director. We hope to make it next year.
To learn more about the Hummingbird Society visit their website at: or on Facebook.
-2023 PBS Wisconsin Garden & Landscape Expo, February 10-12, 2023. We plan to submit our “Gardening for Hummingbirds” seminar again and a new seminar about the use of salvias in the garden. We hope that a few of you might join us for this exciting community event!!
YOU & ENJOY YOUR HUMMINGBIRDS!! See you at the Garden Tours!!
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